
I will freely admit that Robert Spencer has done a good job with exposing the threat of Islam. Unfortunately after that his site does not have a strong consistent message at all. More like a bunch of double talk. For starters one of his staff writers, Christine Douglass-Williams, promotes the fantasy of an Islamic reformation.



In order to win the war with Islam we must win the war against Muslim propagandists. Something the MSM is not willing to do. Something I go out of my way to do. While Dr. Sabeel Ahmed and Yaser Dawah…


If you follow me on Gab, Parler, or MeWe, you have probably seen me state that today’s Democratic Party is the party of illegals, Islam, and perversion.


When people think of war they usually think of a mass violence. There are other aspects of war though. Some more damaging than others. Such as how Muslims have turned the freedoms of America into tools of Islam. Preying on naive and trusting non-Muslims. Today we see another example of that.


In case you did not notice there has been on an on going war with Islam for 1400 years and it is not always a violent war. Today is a reminder of how things can quickly escalate though.



I have said it often and I will continue to do so. In order to win the war with Islam we must win the information war against Muslim propagandists.